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ASP/ASP.NET, Perl and PHP enabled shared hosting for people looking to build either basic HTML sites or fully dynamic environments. All Plans include a Free Helm Control Panel, POP3/IMAP mail, AntiSpam/AntiVirus features and more.


  Standard Hosting Plan MS SQL Hosting Plan
  Hosting Fee (yearly) RM 250.00 RM 1,200.00
 Main Features
  Hosting Space 5, 000 MB 5, 000 MB
  Web Space 3, 000 MB 3, 000 MB
  E-mail Space 2, 000 MB 2, 000 MB
  Monthly Data Transfer 20 GB 20 GB
  Max CPU Consumption 300MHz 300MHz
  Max Memory Consumption 64MB 128MB
  Domain Supported 1 1
  Sub Domains 10 10
  Domain Aliases 10 10
  FTP Account Yes Yes
  Control Panel Login Yes Yes
  FrontPage Extensions Yes Yes
  Access to Raw Log Files Yes Yes
 E-mail Features
  Email accounts 200 200
  POP3/IMAP Yes Yes
  Anti Spam Filtering Yes Yes
  Anti Virus Filtering Yes Yes
  Web Mail Interface Yes Yes
  Auto Responders Yes Yes
  Email Forwarding Yes Yes
  SMTP Authentication Yes Yes
 Database Features
  ODBC/Datasources/DSNs Yes Yes
  Microsoft Access Yes Yes
  MySQL Yes Yes
  Microsoft SQL No Yes
 Supported Scripts
  ASP Yes Yes
  ASP.NET Yes Yes
  Perl Yes Yes
  CGI-BIN Yes Yes
  PHP Yes Yes




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